1 min readJan 12, 2020
The Wonder Collection!
In case you were wonder-ing what we’ve been up to, we have a new limited edition collection ready to share with you! This 20 card collection features 15 Wonder Players and 5 Wonder Stars!
Content Breakdown:
- ChrisJ, crush, dexter, Furlan, Glow, GuardiaN, Hobbit, huNter-, JUGi, k0nfig, KSCERATO, olofmeister, REZ, Xantares, Xyp9x
- Dev1ce, NiKo, s1mple, woxic, kennyS
Pack Breakdown:
- Packs available: 3,501
- Price: 150 Epicoins
- Pack contents: 5-Card Tier 3 Limited Edition Pack, containing both Wonder Players and Wonder Stars.
- Start Date: Monday 13th January 2019
- End Date: While Supplies Lasts
- Content Odds: Guaranteed Wonder cards; 85% Wonder Player & 15% Wonder Star
- Initial User Limit: 100 Packs per user