The 2022 G2 Esports Midnight Collection is coming!
The G2 Esports Midnight Limited Edition collection is dropping on Kolex on August 25th at 17:00 UTC, and it features the return of the most special cards of every year, the Midnight collection.
Every year, we select a team that has achieved incredible things and features some of the worlds best players to receive their own special Midnight Edition cards. This year continues this theme with the incredible G2 Esports.
Store Content
📦 Pack Details: 5 Item Pack: Collect the Midnights, Aureate and more from the G2 Midnights Set.
📅 Start Date: Thursday, August 25th at 5 PM UTC | Bundle Preorder Starts at 4 PM UTC
📅 End Date: Thursday, September 1st at 5 PM UTC or Until Packs Run Out
📦 Packs Available: 13500
🛒 Store Bundle Bonus: Up to 50%!
With Store Bundles, you can secure your packs an hour before release! Get yours early with a huge bonus. Don’t miss out!
🛒G2 Midnights Bronze Bundle: $2.99 for 1x pack
🛒G2 Midnights Silver Bundle: $24.99 for 10x packs (20% bonus)!
🛒G2 Midnights Gold Bundle: $99.99 for 50x packs (50% bonus)!
Price subject to change based on user region.
Signatures Available
✒️ A1 — A20 Midnight Players
✒️ A1 — A20 Midnight Logo(Replicas)
✒️ A1 — A3 Aureate
✒️ 5x 1 of 1 Jumbo Redeemables
Crafting Recipes
Beginning Monday, August 29th at 17:00 UTC, collectors will be able to craft their G2 Midnight Jigsaw Pieces and Infocus cards into higher-tiers, including the “Stand Out Stats” Tier 2s and the #/250 “Full Jigsaw” Tier 3 cards.
Crafting: G2 Midnight Jigsaw: Full Jigsaw
Requirements: 150,000 Silver, 1 of each of the 9 Jigsaw Pieces
Cards Available: 1
250 Total Cards (A1 to A10 will include Replica signatures)
Crafting: G2 Esports In Focus: Stand Out Stats
- 15,000 Silver
- 2 x G2 Esports In Focus: Clutches Cards
- 2x G2 Esports In Focus: Impact
- 2x G2 Esports In Focus: Rounds
- 2x G2 Esports In Focus: Kills
- 2x G2 Esports In Focus: Aces
- 15 x G2 Esports In Focus: History
Cards Available: 5 Player Cards
350 Cards Per Player
Midnight Leaderboard Rewards
Top collectors of the G2 Midnights and Aureate collections on September 15th at 17:00 UTC will earn exclusive Tier 3 Legendary cards as leaderboard rewards! Let’s take a look at which incredible rewards will be available:
G2 Midnights Niko Completion Reward - G2 Midnight Completion
G2 Midnights Niko 1st Place Reward - Rank 1 G2 Midnight Leaderboard
Aureate Top 25 Reward - Top 25 Aureate Leaderboard
Store Pack Odds
With only 13500 total packs minted, collectors can look forward the Iconic #/20 Midnights cards!
G2 Esports In Focus: Clutches | 5.74%
G2 Esports In Focus: Impact | 5.74%
G2 Esports In Focus: Rounds| 5.74%
G2 Esports In Focus: Kills | 5.74%
G2 Esports In Focus: Aces | 5.74%
G2 Esports In Focus: Team Stats | 4.31%
G2 Esports In Focus: History | 53.82%
G2 Esports In Focus: Foil Sticker Player | 1.44%
G2 Esports In Focus: Foil Sticker Team | 0.29%
G2 Esports In Focus: Holo Sticker Player | 2.51%
G2 Esports In Focus: Holo Sticker Team | 0.50%
G2 Esports In Focus: Matte Sticker Player | 3.59%
G2 Esports In Focus: Matte Sticker Team | 0.72%
G2 Midnight Jigsaw: Pieces 1–9 | 3.24%
G2 Midnights: Midnight Players | 0.14%
G2 Midnights: Midnight Team | 0.03%
G2 Midnights: Jumbo Redeemable | 0.01%
Aureate: Aureate Players | 0.72%