Streamers: GiantWaffle Headliners

Kolex - World class collectibles
2 min readJun 21, 2020


Introducing the GiantWaffle Headliners! This collection includes Flip, Highlight Reel, Stickers, Art, and Golden collectibles! We have Replica signatures on the A1-A10 Golden and Art Cards. All signed cards (A1-A10) will be tokenized on the Ethereum blockchain. We also have 5 SIGNED GiantWaffle posters to win!

The Content:

Store Pack (Lower Mints): GiantWaffle Headliners + Replica Signatures

  • Pack Contents: (4) Cards from the GiantWaffle Headliners Collection with chance for signed GiantWaffle Posters
  • Start Date: 23rd June 2020 16:00:00 UTC
  • End Date: 27th June 2020 16:00:00 UTC or Until Packs Run Out
  • Packs available: 9,700
  • Cost: 100 Epicoins
  • Content Odds:
    Art: ~0.75%
    Stickers: ~39%
    Flip Blue/Gold: ~15.5%
    Flip Side/Top: ~11.5%
    Flip Black/White: ~8%
    Highlight Reel: ~25%
    Golden: ~0.25%

Spinner Pack (Higher Mints): GiantWaffle Headliners

  • Pack contents: (2) Cards from the GiantWaffle Headliners Collection
  • Start Date: 23rd June 2020 16:00:00 UTC
  • End Date: Until Packs Run Out
  • Packs available: 1,935
  • Drop Odds: 5%
  • Content Odds:
    Art: ~1%
    Stickers: ~39%
    Flip Blue/Gold: ~15.5%
    Flip Side/Top: ~11.5%
    Flip Black/White: ~8%
    Highlight Reel: ~25%

**Please note Golden cards can only be found in paid packs and not spinner packs.

The Reward

Completing the full GiantWaffle Headliners collection will qualify you for the GiantWaffle Headliners Reward Card.

The reward card mint will be awarded based on your total leaderboard score across all GiantWaffle Headliner sets. July 8th at 4pm UTC is the deadline to quality for the reward card. The only requirement for the reward card is owning each item in the GiantWaffle Headliner Collection at the deadline (Flip, Highlight Reel, Stickers, Art, and Golden collectibles.)

All reward cards will include replica signatures. The A1 will be a special edition winner signature. A2 & A3 will have gold replica signatures. A4–A10 will have silver replica signatures. A11+ will have white replica signatures.

If you manage to complete multiple full sets of all GiantWaffle Headliners (all 23 collectibles required,) you will receive additional higher mint reward cards per completed set. Everyone’s first best set will give them their unique leader board position card (highest score receives A1.) Additional completed sets will give reward cards with higher mints than the person with the lowest unique set (not based on score.) You may not use more than 1 account to collect cards for the Reward Card.

All rewards are to be credited to qualifying collectors on July 15th.



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