Kolectiv Monthly Recap — August 2022


We continue to focus on building out our pipeline, with multiple drops in the works behind the scenes. We’re preparing for an exciting Q4 on Kolectiv, with first steps coming soon! Here’s the Kolectiv Monthly Recap for August 2022.

Tarot: Major Arcana Collection Announcement

The next Kolectiv drop is confirmed! “Tarot” is a curated art collection consisting of the 22 “Major Arcana” cards found in a traditional deck of tarot cards, along with a handful of other Tarot-related artworks. Introducing a number of enticing new drop mechanics, this collection has been carefully curated to feature Kolector-favorite artists from past collections and an assortment of exciting new names. More details on this drop will be released this week, and here are the basics in the meantime!

Theme: Tarot Cards

Drop date: Late September

Pack count: 550 total packs

Card count: 3–4 NFTs per pack

Price: 0.18 ETH per pack

Kolectiv Artist Series August 2022 — Dominik G.

Kick starting our new monthly interview series in August will be none other than Dominik G., the magician behind the vivid retro art featured in several previous Kolectiv releases.

You can check out his interview here.

“Being proactive with opportunities and social media will work wonders for you in this NFT movement. If you show the people you are in for it and also constantly produce work you will have success in the long run. Not only with NFT but also as an artist for other fields.” — Dominik G.

Updated Socials!

With the upcoming Tarot drop taking place on Kolectiv, many of our social artwork and icons have been updated with a refreshing new look.

Let us know if you like them!

Bicycle Update

More Bicycle updates coming your way.

  • Bicycle is working hard to produce Main Collection decks in September and to begin delivering in October.
  • They’ve added a premium, black case to the deck for Main Collection buyers, in addition to the silver case and yellow tuck case that can be also used as display cases.
  • You will have the opportunity to modify your address in case it has changed since you placed your orders.

Additionally, Bicycle will be showcasing and distributing physical decks at their first annual CardCon event taking place October 17–18 in Irvine, California. All buyers of the 8008 NFT who attend CardCon will be able to receive their physical decks there!

To reward you for our loyalty, support, and patience, we are giving away 50x CardCon tickets to the Bicycle NFT community! 20x VIP Tickets ($250 value!) will be distributed to ALL Unique Collection buyers and 30x General Admission Tickets ($175 value) will go to Main Collection buyers. More details on those Main Collection buyers tickets coming soon!

More information on CardCon can be found here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/cardcon-2022-tickets-400920302417

Check out the photos of the prototype production decks and cases below — definitely worth the wait! Can you say that you’re not excited to get your hands on these?

Trivia Games Leaderboard

The Kolectiv Trivia Games is an ongoing, leaderboard-based community activity. Each quiz session is based on a different theme, and scores are given based on the time taken to pick the correct answer. The Trivia Games started in July 2022 is almost at its end with 1 last quiz to go.

Here’s a quick recap on the themes of the quizzes so far:

Quiz 1 — General Knowledge

Quiz 2 — Video Games

Quiz 3 — Geography

Quiz 4 — Space

Quiz 5 — Web3 & Cryptocurrencies

Quiz 6 — Pop culture

Quiz 7 — World History

Quiz 8 — Marvel & DC Superheroes

Quiz 9 — Popular Movies

The top 10 point leaders:

George [CVGTI]#8236 37,937 pts

dzomery#6120 25,038 pts

vipgio#4884 21,371 pts

Eclipsa#0046 17,635 pts

theefranchise#2551 13,845 pts

rashomon#2268 12,742 pts

Boris#3575 11,745 pts

Albzz#5809 11,389 pts

Vimed#8785 9,510 pts

KaiGuat#2532 9,291 pts

The leaderboard rewards and last quiz will be announced very soon and is expected to end in the first half of September.

And that’ll be it for the August 2022 recap. See you in the next exciting month ahead!



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