ImmutableX Integration Update


Q: What is ImmutableX?

A: ImmutableX, also known as IMX, leverages a layer 2 network using zero knowledge rollups to provide the security and authentication of Ethereum without the high gas fees. In fact, there are no gas fees to mint or trade, and on top of that transactions are instant with up to 9,000 transactions per second. Another key aspect is that you will remain in control of your items and they’re all tied back to the security and interoperability of the main Ethereum blockchain so they won’t be locked into a walled garden like Flow, WAX or other private blockchains. This gives you the maximum level of security and freedom while allowing us to provide you with more interesting features like trading, crafting, free drops, etc which are cost prohibitive on Ethereum today.

Learn more at their website here:

Q: How does ImmutableX change my collecting experience?

A: IMX is a supplemental platform to buy and sell your collectibles as NFTs. This gives you the opportunity to market your collectibles for cryptocurrency while ensuring the secure transactions both for buyers and sellers alike.

Q: What will I need to use ImmutableX?

A: You will need a Metamask wallet to sign in to IMX. You can download Metamask here:

Q: When will ImmutableX go live?

A: We are currently testing IMX on blockchain. We expect the feature to launch in Q4 2021. You’ll begin to notice that all newly minted collectibles will be tokenized which is part of the rollout process!

Q: Will I be required to use ImmutableX or a platform other than Epics to collect?

A: Sending your collectibles to IMX is optional. You may keep all collectibles on the Epics platform you have grown to know and love.

Q: Will I receive fees with ImmutableX?

A: Moving collectibles to IMX and back to Epics will not incur a fee. Selling your collectibles on IMX will be subject to a marketplace fee. Transferring collectibles from IMX to layer 1 will incur a gas fee.

Q: What happens to my non-tokenized collectibles?

A: All collectibles will either be minted or have the ability to be minted on IMX unless otherwise specifically stated.

Q: What will happen to previously tokenized Epics collectibles on Opensea, both on layer 1 and in Epics?

A: All digital items previously tokenized will be transferable to IMX. These will no longer be sent directly from Epics to layer 1. Any outstanding NFTs on Opensea and wallets will remain as is without IMX integration. We are working with our developers on a process flow which will allow users to bring those back into Epics, enabling them to be then moved to the new IMX solution.



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