IEM Katowice 2020 Recap

Kolex - World class collectibles
2 min readMar 10, 2020


In an event of many upsets, we find Na’ Vi in peak form. When they clinched playoffs, they absolutely steamrolled the competition. IEM Katowice was an all out brawl of talented players and top teams. We have a Recap set available for you to relive the experience!

IEM Katowice: The Recap

- Pack contents: 3-Card pack containing cards from IEM Katowice Recap Collection
- Spinner Odds: 15%
- Start Date: 10th March 2020 at 17:00 GMT
- End Date: 16th March 2020 at 17:00 GMT
- Pack Cost: Free / Spinner
- Packs available: Unlimited
- Content Odds:
IEM Katowice Common: 55% (In-Pictures)
IEM Katowice Tier 1: 25% (Stat Check)
IEM Katowice Tier 2: 13% (Top Teams)
IEM Katowice Tier 3: 7% (Top Players)



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