Heroic Midnights are COMING!
Heroic Midnights Welcome to the 2023 Midnight collection! Each year we celebrate an iconic team who has achieved many great things, and for the 2023 season, it’s time to feature Heroic! Midnights are always one of the most exciting drops of the year, featuring the most intense and competitive leaderboard races. Are you ready to take on the 2023 Midnight collection head on? This year will also be featuring a special 1/1 reward for first place! Store Content
- Pack Details: 4 Item Pack: Collect the Midnights, Aureate and more from the Heroic Midnights Set.
- Start Date: Thursday, September 28th at 5 PM UTC
- End Date: Thursday, October 5th at 5 PM UTC or Until Packs Run Out
- Packs Available: 10510
Pack Price: $2.00 With Store Bundles, you can secure your packs an hour before release! Get yours early with a huge bonus. Don’t miss out!
- Heroic Midnights Bronze Bundle: $99.99 for 50x packs
- Heroic Midnights Gold Bundle: $299.99 for 150x packs Price subject to change based on user region.
Pack Signatures Available
- M1 — M15 Midnight Player
- M1 — M15 Midnight Logo (Replicas)
- A1 — A3 Aureate
Crafting Recipes Beginning October 3rd at 5 PM UTC, collectors will be able to craft their Heroic Midnight Jigsaw Pieces and Infocus cards into higher-tiers, including the “Stand Out Stats” Tier 2s and the “Full Jigsaw” Tier 3 cards. Crafting: Heroic Midnight Jigsaw: Full Jigsaw
- Requirements: 100,000 Silver & One (1) of each of the 9 different Jigsaw Pieces
- Cards Available: 1
- 100 Total Cards
6 Puzzle Piece Cards have a chance for replica signatures! A1 — A10 of the player jigsaw pieces (5 different pieces) and the logo jigsaw piece (1 piece) will have replica signatures
Crafting: Heroic In Focus: Stand Out Stats
- Requirements: 15,000 Silver & 2 x Heroic In Focus: Clutches Cards, 2x Heroic In Focus: Impact, 2x Heroic In Focus: Rounds, 2x Heroic In Focus: Kills, 2x Heroic In Focus: Aces and 15 x Heroic In Focus: History
- Cards Available: 5 Player Cards
- 300 Cards per player
Leaderboard Rewards Top collectors of the Heroic Midnights and Aureate collections on October 17th at 5 PM UTC will earn exclusive Tier 3 Legendary cards as leaderboard rewards!
- Heroic Midnights Completion Reward — Heroic Midnight Completion
- Heroic Midnights 1st Place Reward — Rank 1 Heroic Midnight Leaderboard
- Aureate Team Top 50 Reward — Top 50 Aureate Leaderboard
The lower the mint numbers on your cards from the Heroic Midnights and Aureate collections, the higher you’ll place on the leaderboards! Store Pack Odds With only 10510 total packs minted, collectors can look forward the Iconic #/15 “Midnights cards!
- Heroic In Focus: Clutches | 5.95% | 500 Circulation (Per Card)
- Heroic In Focus: Impact | 5.95% | 500 Circulation (Per Card)
- Heroic In Focus: Rounds| 5.95% | 500 Circulation (Per Card)
- Heroic In Focus: Kills | 5.95% | 500 Circulation (Per Card)
- Heroic In Focus: Aces | 5.95% | 500 Circulation (Per Card)
- Heroic In Focus: Team Stats | 5.95% | 500 Circulation (Per Card)
- Heroic In Focus: History | 53.51% | 750 Circulation (Per Card)
- Heroic In Focus: Midnights Matte Sticker | 1.78% | 750 Circulation
- Heroic In Focus: Midnights Holo Sticker | 1.19% | 500 Circulation
- Heroic In Focus: Midnights Foil Sticker | 0.59% | 250 Circulation
- Heroic Jigsaw: Pieces 1–9 | 6.42% | 300 Circulation (Per Card)
- Heroic Midnights: Midnight Players | 0.18% | 15 Circulation (Per Card)
- Heroic Midnights: Midnight Team | 0.04% | 15 Circulation
- Heroic In Focus: Aureate | 0.59% | 50 Circulation (Per Card)