2019 Crafting Preview
Greetings Collectors!
I know what you’re thinking. Yes, this post is later than we said it would be. We were all hands on deck releasing the web app and 2019.
Ok, now that we’ve got that out of the way, let’s get into the topic of today’s blog: Crafting. The community has had a lot of questions about crafting and that’s understandable. It’s going to be a major feature in the app going forward so it’s important to introduce you all to the concept as early as possible. We have a few key goals for crafting:
- Provide a way for collectors to earn more free content.
- Add utility to your Epics cards so that there are more fun things to do in the app.
- Increase the number of free drops we provide so you can craft a ton of cards and build a bigger collection.
The Core Collection
2019 is the first season that introduces a “Core” set of cards. This is the official season collection that is the target for all collectors to complete. The Core set does not include special editions, limited editions, event sets, team cards, etc. We hope to integrate non-core sets into the crafting economy with special events and offers throughout the season.
The Core set includes Commons, Tier 1 Role Cards, Tier 2 Master Role Cards and a new array of Tier 3 Legendary Cards. Each category is broken down into CSGO player roles (eg. Entry Fragger) and there is a T and CT parallel of each card that will come into play with the introduction of our first mini-game later this year.
How will crafting work?
Crafting is fairly simple — you use duplicate cards from one tier to build a random card from the next highest tier. Crafting does have a few input costs:
- Duplicate cards (the number of cards required depends on the card you’re crafting).
- Silver Coins (the amount of silver required depends on the card you’re crafting). Silver Coins are a new currency that we’ll be adding to the app that will be used for crafting and earnable in several ways.
- Time (varies depending on the card you’re crafting). You can choose to skip the time required to craft by buying Boosts with Epicoins.
By default, all users will be given some free crafting slots. You will need a crafting slot for each card you are crafting at the same time. So if you want to craft 2 cards at once, you’ll need two crafting slots. If you want to craft 5 cards at once you’ll need 5 slots, etc. You can purchase additional crafting slots for Epicoins.
Cards will take time to craft — the higher the card tier, the more time it will take to build. If you’re impatient like us and want to craft your cards instantly we’ve got you covered — you can buy packs of boosts with Epicoins or in bundle offers. Boosts will also be available in drops and randomly inserted into packs so there’s a free way to earn them as well.
Crafting Recipes
Our crafting system is pretty flexible and allows us to generate ‘recipes’ to craft any type of card. We’ll be testing this system over the season with some special events but there will be a basic system in place for the Core collection:
Commons Crafting:
Purples > Bronze
Bronze > Silver
Silver > Gold
Tier 1 Crafting:
Gold Common > T1 Role
Tier 2 Crafting:
T1 Role > T2 Role
Tier 3 Crafting:
T2 Role > T3 Legendary
Crafting Material Supply Drops
We’ve got a big overhaul coming to the drops system for 2019. Collectors who have been using our new web app will already be familiar with the new spinner that will soon be coming to our mobile apps. The spinner will include drops for packs, Epicoins as well as Silver coins and boosts. The timer will also be set to give you a free drop every 30 minutes vs. every 4 hours so that you can collect crafting materials and build new cards much more frequently. Enjoy 💯😄🙌
We hope you’re looking forward to crafting some cards as much as we are. Stay tuned for more updates over the next few weeks!
Epics Team