Beta Post: Introducing Card Crafting


Hello Epics!

Today is a big day for the Epics app! We’re pushing card crafting into beta on iOS and Android (web to follow based on mobile testing) and are excited to hear your feedback on this new feature. It’s been a massive undertaking from planning the economy, scoping the dev work, and ultimately completing the build and internal testing. Crafting unlocks a ton of potential for collectors to level up your existing cards and gives us new avenues for content launches and even competitions. Take a quick read below to learn about crafting and how it works!

The Recap

At its core, Crafting is all about combining cards to build new, better ones. Got a ton of dupes you can’t sell? GOOD. Craft ’em to build something you do need. We provide recipes to combine cards from a given tier to build a single random card from the next higher tier.

Crafting will also include the introduction of a few new items:

  1. Silver currency — Silver is currently only required to craft and will be available via achievements, the spinner, card packs, and the shop.
  2. Crafting Boosts — Crafting takes materials (cards, silver) and time. If you want to skip the time it takes to craft you can do so by spending boosts. The boost cost on a card depends on the tier of the card and the amount of time left on the craft. You can get boosts via achievements, card packs and of course the shop.
  3. Crafting slots — You will get two slots to craft for free. Then you can buy more slots that can be used for a certain number of crafts before they need to be refilled. You can buy slots using Epicoins.

We’ve added a starting set of recipes. Remember, all cards you put into a craft generate Season 2019 cards only!! If you use Founders cards to craft you will not get Founders cards out of the craft (it’s not possible for us to give them out as they are no longer being minted). There are specific recipes to craft Founders and 2018 season cards into 2019 cards but make sure you think twice before doing this — any cards you use as materials to craft are burned and gone forever.

The Future

We built crafting to be flexible so that we can do some cool things with it in the future. Think weekend contests to craft special rare items or being able to craft a card that’s redeemable for a physical item… there’s a ton of things we’re planning to test once we iron out any kinks with the beta version of the feature, so we hope you’re all ready to help us beat it up to find some bugs.

OK, time for you to get crafting — enjoy and make sure to report bugs and feedback in.

Epics Team



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